Lessons and workshops
Walking around the castle with Adam Bednarczyk - stories about the Iłża regionalist
Classes depicting Adam Bednarczyk.
During the classes we will talk about the creative achievements of the regionalist about how he history of the city and about the works aimed at renovating the castle chapel...
Where there’s a will, there’s a way
Classes teaching students on history of pottery, technology of making vessels and work of a potter.
During classes, you will learn how to prepare the clay, as well as form, decorate vessels and make them durable...
Whispers of the Earth - discovering the past
Classes teaching students on history of pottery, technology of making vessels and work of a potter.
During classes, you will learn how to prepare the clay, as well as form, decorate vessels and make them durable...
How did bishops rule in Iłża?
Aim of the classes is to learn about the genesis of Iłża castle resided by Cracow bishops. Moreover, phases of construction and extension into Renaissance residence. Stories on the most interesting bishops ruling Iłża, genesis of Iłża coat of arms and its transformations, as well as fun facts on genesis and history of Iłża churches.
How can we protect memory about the past
Aim of the workshops is to sensitize children to care about the monuments. We will try to explain what is a monument and why is it important in our life...
ORDERING LESSONS: at least 7 days prior to planned date, by phone or in person, Monday to Friday
DURATION: lesson approx. 45 min., workshop approx. 60 min.
PAYMENT FOR LESSONS: according to discount ticket applicable in Adam Bednarczyk Regional Museum in Iłża
Payment for lessons or workshops cannot be lower than PLN 120 (flat fee).
A group of approx. 30 people can participate in the classes under teacher’s supervision.
tel. 537 458 111.
E-mail: zamek@ilza.pl