Archdeacon of Gniezno and deacon of Łęczyca serves his sentence in a tower for the murder of Jakub Boglewski, a nobleman.
Bishop Filip Padniewski conducts a renovation of the Gothic castle, providing it with Renaissance style.
Swedes were stationing in the fortress, retreating from Iłża, set fire to the castle after earlier robbery.
In a work of Samuel Pufendorf - De rebus a Carolo Sveciae Rege, gestis commentariorum libri septem, elegantissimus tabulis aentis exornati cum triplici indice - a view of Iłża is portrayed – so-called Dahlbergh's engraving depicting the castle hill and the buildings on it in 1655.
House of the starost at the lower castle and fortifications of the eastern gate were burnt down in a fire.
Lewi Selig Sunderland receives permission to obtain stone material from the castle ruins for the newly established faience factory.
Początek prac konserwatorsko – budowlanych przy Konserwacji i odtworzeniu części murów zamku górnego.